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Blog posts of '2023' 'October'

Startup Costs For PCP Airgun Shooting
There’s no such thing as a free lunch. That bit of axiomatic wisdom has been, or should have been drilled into your head by this point. The truth is, if someone is standing on the street corner giving stuff away, there’s a catch to it. Likewise, there are hidden costs often associated with items on occasion. For instance, if you have purchased a higher-end trail camera you will have discovered that to get maximum use out of it, you will have to pay a monthly fee to get the images beamed through space and to your phone.
The Underlever Air Rifle

What is an underlever on an air rifle?

The Umarex Synergis underlever rifle is a repeating underlever and available now on our website.An underlever on an air rifle refers to the cocking mechanism located underneath the barrel. It is a lever that the shooter pulls or swings to compress the spring or gas piston, preparing the gun for the next shot.

Are Underlever air rifles any good?

Yes, un...

What You Need to Know About Pellet Velocity
In the world of pew-pews power sells. Speed sells. Excess sells… that is until it becomes really painful to shoot. Anyone who has ever shot a .357 Magnum from a lightweight snub nose revolver can attest to this. In a pinch or under stress, it won’t matter, but just going to the range and shooting a few boxes of ammo from such a lightweight and powerful handgun is going to leave a painful reminder in your hand.
Umarex PCP Tank Size and Filling Recommendations
PCP air rifles are available in many different calibers. Logically, larger caliber air rifles consume more air per shot than smaller caliber air rifles and as a result those larger air rifles typically are sold with larger high pressure onboard air tanks. No big surprises there. However we often receive questions from people looking to get into a PCP air rifle about filling methods and air tank size. With that said, we will briefly address our PCP airgun line, their tank sizes, and recommended methods for filling each gun’s tank.
Secrets of Airgun Deer Hunting
Thousands of airgunners are getting ready for the most-exciting and anticipated time of the year - deer season. But suppose you’re new to the world of hunting with a PCP airgun like an Umarex Hammer? What do you need to know before your first season hunting big game with air?