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Blog posts tagged with 'air bow'

Limits and Why You Need Them
You’ve probably heard the expression, “You’ve got all the time in the world.” This statement is often quipped to young people who are in a hurry to get on with their lives. Us old timer’s know a thing or two, don’t we? Well, we should know that we don’t have all the time in the world. Not to draw to somber a point as to why, but you never know when your ticket is going to get punched.
The State of Air Archery Hunting in the USA
It’s been a minute or two since air archery came on the scene. We’ve had our AirSaber on the market for more than three years now and it has been a hit all over the world at this point.  However, here in the US, the wheels of bureaucracy turn slow. With that said, what is the current state of legality for hunting with air archery or what some refer to as an airbow?
The Fight for Archery Goes On
There really is a lot that goes into winning the hearts and minds of people when it comes to challenging long held paradigms. Just think of the work that went into convincing Americans to simply wear their seatbelts – an idea still contested by some in the face of graveyards full of evidence to the contrary. Folks in the hunting world are not strangers to such struggles for good ideas whose times have come.