
Blog posts tagged with 'komplete'

Adding it Up– What does it cost to shoot?
Unless you have so much that you don’t ever have to worry about how much something costs and even then it all comes down to money. Everything we need, everything we consume, every tangible object we mere mortals desire has to be purchased in some way. That formula looks something like unto this: Time (rate of pay/skill or responsibility). There’s really no way to escape it that in this modern western society, one exchanges time and skill for the filthy lucre we need to make life happen.
Where Can You Get the NEW Komplete?
The Komplete is officially in the retail stream at this moment. This is good news for all of you airgunners who were looking to score the first ever NitroAir powered air rifle. We were pretty certain the Komplete was going to be a hit when we announced it and we have not been disappointed. Our retail partners have been very enthusiastic about the Komplete, too. So much so that you might be better off looking for a Komplete at one of those retailers.
Komplete Giveaway
There’s always good news and bad news when it comes to just about anything. We tried really hard to get you guys all the good news first when it came to the Komplete and I think we did a fair job of that. We were able to launch the product and sell them on the same day. Unfortunately we were only able to get a small load of Kompletes shipped in for the launch.