

Press Release: New Caliber Emerges for the Unsurpassed Umarex® Gauntlet®

FORT SMITH, AR (December 12, 2018) - Umarex USA Inc. announces a major addition to their Gauntlet line of Pre-Charged Pneumatic (PCP) air rifles: the .25 caliber Gauntlet. The Gauntlet offers the larger .25 caliber for the same market driving MSRP of just $299.99.

What’s the Scoop: Ruger Explorer and the Umarex Embark

It is not uncommon for two products to bear so much in common that the only thing differentiating them is the name on the side. General Motors was famous for this in the 1990s with their cars. However, this does not always hold true. We’ve received some feedback to this end about two of our products, the Ruger Explorer and the Umarex Embark. Are they the same gun? Let’s Embark on an Exploration of the topic.

One of the Most Recognized Sub Machineguns in the World

The MP40 was a stepping stone, one that came along at a very troubled time in world history. But as with all weapons, the gun has no agenda or conscience, it is the implement of its user’s intent for good or bad. The MP40 has existed long enough to have played its part on both sides of that line. As a CO2 model, it is more of a tribute to technology and firearms evolution. The MP40, like any great and enduring firearms design that has been recreated as a CO2 model today, is a part of history that we can hold in our hands.

Easy Holiday Gift Giving Guide

If you are a dad, chances are you can’t think of a single thing you want… because you’ve already bought it for yourself!  Shame on us men for doing this, as it makes gift giving for your loved ones extra hard. But there are some sure-fire gift ideas that airgun shooting dads will always love.

Top 10 Stocking Stuffers Easy Gift Guide

Stocking stuffers are usually an afterthought. Just pick up some small stuff and toss in an overly large non-elastic stock. Easy-peasy. No need to overly complicate the matter, but hitting a home-run on the stocking for sport shooters keeps you riding high for the rest of the winter.

Ammo Size & Power

In any given caliber or type of projectile launching device, there are three basic variables, the shape of the projectile, the mass of the projectile, and the force of the launch. Changing any of these variables results in different performance based upon the variable altered. The common .223 Remington cartridge is useful to demonstrate this point for all three variables.

What Kind of Oil Should I Use?

Both CO2 and spring powered air guns do need some maintenance to help ensure a long life. Keeping them clean is a big part of that care, but you do need to be careful about what you are putting in and on your air gun. The valve assemblies in today’s CO2 powered air guns are fitted with silicone seals and O-rings. 

Ammunition Matters: RWS Meisterkugeln Precision Pistol Pellets

For as many reasons as there are to shoot pellet pistols, there are at least as many reasons to shoot RWS Meisterkugeln Precision Pistol pellets in your air pistol. For starters, pellet pistols are typically low-velocity affairs. This limitation in velocity tends to direct the application of the gun to certain activities.

The Magnificent Mauser

The Legends line of air pistols and rifles has been extremely popular among collectors and backyard plinkers alike. This is no accident. Many Hollywood movies and popular military based games have kept the firearms used in conflicts at the forefront of consumers’ minds. So when we launch a product like the Legends M712 replica, the response is enthusiastic, to say the least. 

5 Gift Ideas for Shooters That Can Be Handed Down

Unfortunately, we do live in an age of consumables. That phone you paid top dollar for two years ago? Hardly worth repairing today. This is true for refrigerators, phones, and cars, and can openers, coffee makers, and TVs. Does anything have enduring value anymore?